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251 Only God could forgive sins, could and did, washing them away in the agonal blood of His crucified Son, but that did not change the responsibility of His children to atone for those sins (and even their simple errors of judgement) whenever possible. Atonement was powerful; it was the lock on the door you closed against the past. Stephen King. "Green Mile, The" Ссылка на эту цитату
252 Pain is the biggest power of love. Stephen King. "Duma Key" Ссылка на эту цитату
253 Pain sucks, but it’s a hell of an incentive. Stephen King. "Insomnia" Ссылка на эту цитату
254 People are almost always safe from ghosts and ghouls and the living dead in daylight, and they're usually safe from them at night if they're with others, hut when a person is alone in the dark, all bets are off. Men and women alone in the dark are like open doors, Jessie, and if they call out or scream for help, who knows what dread things may answer? Who knows what some men and women have seen in the hour of their solitary deaths? Is it so hard to believe that some of them may have died of fear, no matter what the words on the death certificates say? Stephen King. "Gerald's Game" Ссылка на эту цитату
255 Pity was not love… but if you were a child, giving clothes to someone who was naked had to be a step in the right direction. Stephen King. "Under the Dome" Ссылка на эту цитату
256 Pray for rain all you like, but dig a well as you do it. Stephen King. "The Dark Tower: The Wind Through The Keyhole" Ссылка на эту цитату
257 Remember that hope is a good thing... maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. Stephen King. "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" Ссылка на эту цитату
258 So she knew people died in accidents, of course she knew it, but until now she had somehow never realized there were people inside those people, people just like her, people who hadn't had the slightest idea they would never eat another cheeseburger, watch another round of Final jeopardy (and please make sure your answer is in the form of a question), or call their best friends to say that penny poker on Thursday night or shopping on Saturday afternoon seemed like a great idea. No more beer, no more kisses, and your fantasy of making love in a hammock during a thunderstorm was never going to be fulfilled, because you were going to be too busy being dead. Any morning you rolled out of bed might be your last. Stephen King. "Gerald's Game" Ссылка на эту цитату
259 So you understand that when we increase the number of variables, the axioms themselves never change.
I really believe that.
I think; therefore I am. There are hairs on my face; therefore I shave. My wife and child have been critically injured in a car crash; therefore I pray. It's all logical, it's all sane. We live in the best of all possible worlds, so hand me a Kent for my left, a Bud for my right, turn on Starsky and Hutch, and listen to that soft, harmonious note that is the universe turning smoothly on its celestial gyros. Logic and sanity.
Stephen King. "Rage" Ссылка на эту цитату
260 Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure. Stephen King. "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" Ссылка на эту цитату
261 Some dreams die and fall free, that is another of the world's bitter truths. How many bitter truths there are. Stephen King. "Dreamcatcher" Ссылка на эту цитату
262 Some things are just too beautiful to be caged Stephen King. "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" Ссылка на эту цитату
263 Sometimes home is where the heart is... I believe that. Old Bobby Frost said home's the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. Unfortunately, it's also the place where, once you\'re in there, they don't ever want to let you out. Stephen King. "It" Ссылка на эту цитату
264 Sometimes you had to hurt yourself and badly-to find out it could be better to lie back in the tall weeds and procrastinate. Stephen King. "Stand, The" Ссылка на эту цитату
265 Sooner or later even the stoutest coffin must collapse and let in life to feed on death. It’s the way of the world, and what did it matter? When the heart stops and the brain asphyxiates, our spirits either go somewhere else, or simply wink out. Either way, we aren’t there to feel the gnawing as our flesh is eaten from our bones. Stephen King. "1922" Ссылка на эту цитату
266 Sorrow for a wrong was better than nothing, but no amount of after-the-fact sorrow could ever atone for joy taken in destruction, whether it was burning ants or shooting prisoners. Stephen King. "Under the Dome" Ссылка на эту цитату
267 Speech destroys the functions of love, I think - that's a hell of a thing for a writer to say, I guess, but I believe it to be true. If you speak to tell a deer you mean it no harm, it glides away with a single flip of its tail. The word is the harm. Love isn't what these asshole poets like McKuen want you to think it is. Love has teeth; they bite; the wounds never close. No word, no combination of words, can close those lovebites. It's the other way around, that's the joke. If those wounds dry up, the words die with them. Take it from me. I've made my life from die words, and I know that is so. Stephen King. "Body, The" Ссылка на эту цитату
268 Stick around a little while, and life maybe only jabs at your cheeks and eyes. Stick around a long while and you end up looking like Jake La Motta after a hard fifteen. Stephen King. "Bag of Bones" Ссылка на эту цитату
269 That was all. It happens. Friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant, did you ever notice that? But when I think of that dream, the corpses under the water pulling implacably at my legs, it seems right that it should be that way. Some people drown, that’s all. It’s not fair, but it happens. Some people drown. Stephen King. "Body, The" Ссылка на эту цитату
270 That's what happened when you got back to your used-to-be, as the song put it. The frosting on the cake was sweet, but the stuff underneath was bitter. People forgot you, or died on you, or lost their hair and teeth. In some cases you found that they had lost their minds. Oh it was great to be alive. Boy howdy. Stephen King. "It" Ссылка на эту цитату
271 That's what we all should have done, just stayed away. We've got no business here. Coming back to where you grew up is like doing some crazy yoga trick, putting your feet in your own mouth and somehow swallowing yourself so there's nothing left; it can't be done, and any sane person ought to be fucking glad it can't... Stephen King. "It" Ссылка на эту цитату
272 The arguments against insanity fall through with a soft shurring sound/layer on layer... Stephen King. "Shining" Ссылка на эту цитату
273 The energy you drew on so extravagantly when you were a kid, the energy you thought would never exhaust itself—that slipped away somewhere between eighteen and twenty-four, to be replaced by something much duller, something as bogus as a coke high: purpose, maybe, or goals, or whatever rah-rah Junior Chamber of Commerce word you wanted to use. It was no big deal; it didn’t go all at once, with a bang. And maybe, Richie thought, that’s the scary part. How you don’t stop being a kid all at once, with a big explosive bang, like one of that clown’s trick balloons with the Burma-Shave slogans on the sides. The kid in you just leaked out, like the air out of a tire. And one day you looked in the mirror and there was a grownup looking back at you. You could go on wearing blue-jeans, you could keep going to Springsteen and Seger concerts, you could dye your hair, but that was a grownup’s face in the mirror just the same. It all happened while you were asleep, maybe, like a visit from the Tooth Fairy.
No, he thinks. Not the Tooth Fairy. The Age Fairy.
Stephen King. "It" Ссылка на эту цитату
274 The moral seemed to be that puking up your past when the present is even worse makes some of the vomitus look nearly tasty. Stephen King. "Rage" Ссылка на эту цитату
275 The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them. It’s hard to make strangers care about the good things in your life. Stephen King. "Body, The" Ссылка на эту цитату
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